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Conditions We See at Kanata Chiropractor

smiling person walking in to officeOur chiropractors can help with a vast variety of health issues ranging from injuries, rehabilitation after surgeries/operations or to simply correct posture and alignment. There are some common conditions patients often come to us for, which we have been highlighted on this page.

If you have questions about your particular symptoms, please send us a message, email, or give us a call, and we will be happy to answer your questions.


Our Approach

Our approach to assessment and diagnosis is based on separating the trigger of pain or symptom from its cause. Whether you have headaches, migraines, pain, or stiffness, your symptoms may have many triggers, although some causes are more common. Understanding your condition leads your chiropractor to provide the specific care to resolve the issue, and give you much-needed relief.

We have seen people suffer for years with neck and shoulder pain due to poor posture, car accidents, sporting injuries, and more without a proper diagnosis. An experienced chiropractor discovers issues in your medical history and physical exam that help us create a plan to rid you of these nagging symptoms for good.

person with knee pain

While some issues are functional in nature, others also have a structural component. Problems with the structure & function of the body are often multifaceted & progressive. We take the time to do a thorough assessment before any service is provided.

We Can Help

How We Help

Our team commonly sees patients presenting with signs and symptoms of nerve irritation. Any altered sensation in the body, whether that’s pain, numbness, tingling, or burning, is due to a nerve issue. Depending on where you experience your symptoms, an in-depth examination helps determine the appropriate course of care. These issues often lead to more troubling symptoms, like reduced muscle strength and other systemic issues.
One example of nerve irritation we commonly see is sciatica. It is also one of the most misunderstood and mis-treated issues.

If you or someone you know has experienced painful symptoms for some time, and your previous efforts to help have only provided temporary relief, let us evaluate whether you are a good candidate for spinal reconstruction.

Seeing a chiropractor is about more than just lower back pain relief. Our team looks beyond the obvious when diagnosing and treating patients. In addition, incorporating the effects of compensation on different areas of the body in our assessment helps prevent repetitive injury. Once we figure out the “why,” how to address your problem at the source becomes clearer.

Discover Your Why

Schedule an appointment with our team to discover answers and solutions to your issue. Contact us today to get started.


Conditions We See at Kanata Chiropractor | (613) 400-2451